Circular hiking trail
Via Glaralpina

Tour Via Glaralpina

The Via Glaralpina leads over 19 stages (T1 to T4), about 230 kilometers and 18,500 meters of ascent and descent around the entire Glarnerland. Via red-white and blue-white marked hiking trails you can walk from the alpine green up to the mountain landscapes and even glacier worlds of the Glarnerland. And also to 20 easily climbable peaks along the way.

Peak hiking season

The main hiking season is the end of June / until October (note weather conditions).

Partial stages

On the one hand, the Via Glaralpina can be completed as a long-distance hike lasting several days, on the other hand, there are many possibilities to get in and out. The stage locations are easily accessible and mostly or at least partially served by public transport or alpine cabs.

All technically demanding sections can be bypassed on less exposed, already existing mountain trails.


The stage locations are existing mountain inns, SAC huts or also hotels/pensions. All accommodations must be reserved in advance. Exception: Panixerpass refuge, it is unmanned. There can be bottlenecks here, bivouac material to carry is therefore recommended here.

Basic equipment

Hiking or mountain boots, mountain backpack, hiking clothes (onion principle), spare underwear, weather protective clothing against wind and rain, sun protection (sunglasses, sunscreen, sun hat), hat, thin gloves, headlamp, silk sleeping bag, suitable food for the road, water bottle for refilling, small pharmacy, enough cash.

Hiking trail categories

The Via Glaralpina leads mainly on white-red-white and white-blue-white marked hiking trails uphill.

White-red-white marked hiking trails are mountain hiking trails (SAC scale T2 and T3). These require surefootedness and average orientation skills. You may need your hands for balance. Exposed places are secured with chains.

White-blue-white marked hiking trails are alpine hiking trails (on the Via Glaralpina maximum T4). These require familiarity with quite exposed terrain (partly steep grassy flanks, occasional easy firn fields, apere glacier passages), good orientation skills and alpine experience. In certain places you need your hands to move forward and particularly challenging sections are secured with chains. All alpine hiking trails of the Via Glaralpina are clearly marked (white-blue-white).

On the Via Glaralpina, experienced alpine hikers do not need any technical aids.

Those who travel early in the season should supplement their basic equipment depending on the conditions.

To be safe on the Via Glaralpina, it is important to prepare well for this hike. Among other things, this means, as always, to pay attention to the weather and to inquire about the conditions (snow fields, etc.).

If we have aroused your curiosity, then check out the Via Glaralpina page, there you will certainly find more information.

Pelé Philipp Alexander Weber

Adrenalin Backpackers Hotel
Alpinaweg 3, 8784 Braunwald
+41 79 347 29 05 (SMS, Whatsapp or Call)