Prices & Booking
friLingue Language & Holiday Camps
Family Hostel
Prices & Booking
Restaurant & Bar
Important informations
Group offers in Adrenalin
Group booking tool Adrenalin
Our group houses in the Valais
Group offers in the Adrenalin
Group house: Relais de Dranse in Liddes (Canton Valais)
Hostel & Group House: Petit Velan in Bourg (Canton Valais)
Group house: Les Louerettes in the 4 Vallées
Family Hostel summer
Ski & Family Hostel Winter
Prices & Dates
Ski & Snowboard
Via Ferrata Braunwald
Webcams Braunwald
Booking tool for 1 - 12 people
Booking tool for groups
About us
Location & Arrival
Prices & booking
Data protection & imprint
friLingue Language and Holiday Camps
Mathematics Camps Braunwald
Spring Language Camp Braunwald
Summer Language Camp Braunwald
Autumn Language Camp Braunwald
Ski & Snowboard Camp Braunwald
Website coliving.frilingue
Coliving & Coworking offers at Adrenalin
Prices, Dates & Registration
Prices Braunwald (summer)
Prices Braunwald (winter)
Prices Braunwald (summer)
Prices Braunwald (winter)
Our fixed dates
Christmas / New Year
Adrenalin in Braunwald
Petit Velan in Bourg St. Pierre (can also be rented exclusively)
Relais de Dranse in Liddes
School Holidays February / March
Adrenalin in Braunwald
Petit Velan in Bourg St. Pierre (can also be rented exclusively)
Relais de Dranse in Liddes
Whitsun / Ascension
Adrenalin in Braunwald
Petit Velan in Bourg St. Pierre (can also be rented exclusively)
Relais de Dranse in Liddes
Summer vacation August
Adrenalin in Braunwald
Petit Velan in Bourg St. Pierre (can also be rented exclusively)
Autumn vacations
Adrenalin in Braunwald
Petit Velan in Bourg St. Pierre (can also be rented exclusively)
Prices Braunwald (summer)
2 nights
for 3 or 4 persons in a 4-bed room
- 300 francs
Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including tourist tax, program & fun
2 nights
for 5 or 6 persons in a room with 6 beds
- 400 francs
Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including tourist tax, program & fun
2 nights
for 7 or 8 persons in a room with 8 beds
- 500 francs
Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including tourist tax, program & fun
3 nights
for 3 or 4 persons in a 4-bed room
- 450 francs
Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including tourist tax, program & fun
3 nights
for 5 or 6 persons in a room with 6 beds
- 600 francsa
Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including tourist tax, program & fun
3 nights
for 7 or 8 persons in a room with 8 beds
- 700 francs
Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including tourist tax, program & fun
6 nights
for 3 or 4 persons in a 4-bed room
- 750 francs
Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including tourist tax, program & fun
6 nights
for 5 or 6 persons in a 6-bed room
- 1050 francs
Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including tourist tax, program & fun
6 nights
for 7 or 8 persons in a room with 8 beds
- 1350 francs
Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including tourist tax, program & fun
Prices (winter)
3 nights
for 3 or 4 persons in a 4-bed room
- 450 francs
Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including tourist tax, program & fun
3 nights
for 4, 5 or 6 persons in a room with 6 beds
- 550 francs
Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including tourist tax, program & fun
3 nights
for 6, 7 or 8 persons in a room with 8 beds
- 650 francs
Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including tourist tax, program & fun
6 nights
for 3 or 4 persons in a 4-bed room
- 900 francs
Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including tourist tax, program & fun
6 nights
for 4, 5 or 6 persons in a room with 6 beds
- 1100 francs
Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including tourist tax, program & fun
6 nights
for 6, 7 or 8 persons in a room with 8 beds
- 1300 francs
Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including tourist tax, program & fun
Extra night
for 3 or 4 persons in a 4-bed room
- 150 francs
Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including tourist tax, program & fun
Extra night
for 4, 5 or 6 persons in a room with 6 beds
- 200 francs
Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including tourist tax, program & fun
Extra night
for 6, 7 or 8 persons in a room with 8 beds
- 250 francs
Rooms with shared showers, with sleeping bags, without meals, including tourist tax, program & fun
Single / Mother + Child / Father + Child
40 francs per person / night with sleeping bag, including tourist tax
Supplement room with private shower (in Braunwald and in Petit Velan)
3 nights - 150 francs // 6 nights - 300 francs
Adrenalin Backpackers Hotel
Alpinaweg 3, 8784 Braunwald
Prices & Booking
Imprint & Privacy Policy
Our offers / Our group houses
Mathematics Camp
family hostel
Relais de Dranse
Petit Vélan
Les Louerettes
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Community Manager
Volunteer (20 hours per week)
Young talent (15 hours per week)
Remote jobs
Best summer job ever
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